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This is such a fun game and I cant wait to see where it goes :D

(1 edit)

Man I'm having a blast. I'm just missing one recollection which I'm guessing you get from normally fighting NO-SKIN.

What I'm trying to figure is how to get the NoEye-Soft boss again and the HER  boss at the end. I got it by accident and can't seem to replicate it...  any help?

Edit: NVM just got it... just gotta get that last item from the frogs in the second part... bring a lot of heals and nightshades lol. Can't wait for more!!! (that "unexpected event" where it was the dude doing weird shit with it's eye had me sweating man)


Is it possible to do a pacifist run of this? I've tried doing it for a while but I've only gotten to about 40 percent

I don't think so because you can't run from No-Skin Man at the end.

I would absolutely love a mobile game version of this. 

posting from Android

gosh, I love this game. And I love more that it’s also in Italian.  I can’t wait to buy the full version 💙

Also, Are you going to create a version for consoles? I’d love to have the opportunity to play it even while I go to work


I'm an italian dev so that's why the game is in italian :) No plans for porting right now, but I think it can fit really well on the Switch

OMG! Ma sei italiano, che cosa fantastica (solidarietà italiana). 
lasciando perdere ciò! Ottimo lavoro davvero, adoro ed amo il gioco a prescindere su che piattaforma sia <3

Wish it was android accessible

(1 edit)

finally got all the memories yay, well except the last two because the demo ended so i'm excited for the full game, i get scared every  time an unexpected event happens it really messes with you, also made a subreddit for the game.


I can only say that every memory is unlockable in the demo ;)

oh then i guess i'm going back to the game, after unlocking a memory the crimson sisters told me that's the end of the demo so i assumed i can't get any more memories, i wonder what triggered them then,


Pretty sure that's because that's the last memory you can unlock by killing the No-Skin Man, there are other memories unlocked by killing the secret bosses.

ohhh i see, that helps alot i was probably going to keep fighting him until i realize that, thanks!


what is the subreddit called ?


its not showing up for me :/ can you link?


just made an itch account to comment. I too came from the markiplier video however i find it so unique you don't have more traction. the game gives off an insane amount of world of horror vibes and has so much depth for something considerably simplistic. The ost is great the game play is simple but can get pretty build crafty the unlockables are nice and all the random encounters both unexpected events or rarer base encounters are so cool and fun. The game also isn't so long you have to slog through a run just to die to a boss that caught you underprepared. I also like the differences between root and noir and how characters react or how the deer man is just completely a different encounter based on who you play. You definitely deserve more attention for this game and i wish there was more information on you lmao


I couldn't agree more! Currently watching Mark's vid now, but the tutorial got me hooked instantly; a turn-based horror roguelike? Sign me up! Currently wishlisted on Steam. The world is so intriguing, the game mechanics are interesting and seem well-balanced, the art is soso good, and I'm very excited to see future updates (but no pressure)!

Thank you for your kind words

(1 edit) (+2)

Sending all my love to the game developer for making this game. I didn't finish it, yet, but it's awesome jumping back into the "rabbit hole" <3 

The whole concept idea of the game also made me empathize with it as I've had dreams similar, and this made me even more intrigued by it.

Only managed to reach 100% with Root because of Deer-Man, but I still don't know what happens after beating Meadow since I had 3 bosses in a row (High Priestess -> Deer-Man -> Meadow) and kinda ran out of items that I could use on last boss.

Besides that, I just kept fighting No-Skin-Man at 60% with the other characters.

Though in my opinion, Luna is the most OP out of them since only with her I was able to unlock more memories as the boss got harder. 

The best tactic I found is to buff melee as much as possible, get Rosary from the frogs, and every turn PRAY TO MOON MOMMY.  

Just make sure you have enough health pool to sustain all those 1s of dmg, also Antidote in case you encounter an enemy like the Exterminating Angel which can Curse you.If you also have some buffs like "First blood", "Reduced dmg on first hit" or buy the other thing from the frogs that allow you to deal 1 dmg when taking a hit even better.

Really excited to see what the developer has in plans next for this game! :)

EDIT: Managed to get to 100% with Luna and unlocked a new memory after finishing one of the "bosses". Major twist. 


This game fucking rocks!!!! Installed it right after I watched Mark's video and man, I am so lucky I did.  The OST , which is not even finished, sounds so good, accompanying the visuals excellently. Speaking of visuals, the artstyle is great and the characters are very well written with clever ways to interact with them. Also the gameplay is really well, there are some op strats you can abuse but they don't ruin the game in any way. Even more I find myself mesmerized from the atmosphere that this game creates. Lastly the lore in this game is very deep, I have only unlocked 3 dreams , but I can tell that this is a game with a story that will leave me amazed.

P.S. Describing this as a "demo" is such an understatement, there are so many game publishers that release games with half the content that there is in this one.

Great game, can't wait for new updates.

Thank you for your kind words <3

(1 edit)

Amazing, especially for just the 0.4 release. Looking forward to future updates and eventually the full thing. 

Soundtrack is great, art is great, story is intriguing and just about everything there is to love in an indie game, this game has it.

One note: maybe make it a little more obvious who you give the lighter to? Maybe I'm dumb but it took me several games to connect the dots.

Please keep up the great work!

Edit: I'm stuck in a loop playing as Luna. I'm fighting Her, but don't have enough items to beat her, so I keep looping back and cannot proceed. Dunno if it's intentional, but just a heads up that getting legit stuck here is possible.

I think it is pretty obvious already, if you talk to Rugs in the second stage, he asks if you have a light. 

That's true, I also almost never chose to go to rooms with Rugs because I don't use cigarettes often, so that may also be why it took me awhile

Thank you for your feedback. A lot of people find the correct usage of the lighter as one of the last things they do in the demo, so it'll be made more clear. The loop you're talking about isn't intentional and will be fixed


Amazing demo, like everyone else here is saying - immaculate vibes, music, artstyle, etc. 

With Noire, the knife-focussed build can feel a little OP (hidden dagger & sharp buffs, and/or rosary knife with cigarettes to boost flee chance and get the damage up), but that's a minor quibble and I can see the dev responding to other comments saying there's a balance update in the pipeline. 

Overall, I would have rated this highly even if this was the full game - the fact it's just a demo makes me very excited for whatever is coming next. Congrats to the dev(s)!


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(1 edit)

I... uh... I dont see anybody else talking about this, but... anybody else manage to get 100% skin finding? its possible with Luna, but requires quite a bit of luck. Ended up accessing THAT particular bit of content with 0 items cuz I abused Luna's almost death three times and got 27 snake scales.

is what happened... supposed to happen?

i assume so. it came with a message in binary and everything.

I got to 100% as Noire.

you can do that? huh. it never lets me past 60

You have to buy the item from the frogs that lets you increase skin percentage by 8.

There is another way, if you beat the deer man and then keep talking to the scared man

(1 edit) (+2)

This is an amazing demo, it has hours of surreal gameplay that will screw with your head, a really well done soundtrack, amazing style and character design and an extremely interesting story. Truly excited for the finished game.

Thank you for your feedback <3

is there any merit to shooting Esther, Trish, Mary, and Rugs (and Nadine?) to death in both or either stages? since their names are on the bullets ? and do i need to shoot them fully to death or just use a bullet as the final hit ?


Gotta say this is absolutely incredible for a demo, it gives hours of playtime which is something you normally wouldn't expect from it haha. Music goes hard, gameplay is fun, story is interesting, I can't wait for the full release! The best thing for me right now is that because it's just a demo it has no wiki and I have to go in blind and figure things out for myself, something I rarely do with games like this, nevertheless it's really fun : )
And yes, I did come from Markiplier's video but I stayed for the game! 
P.S. I'm shooting myself in the foot here but I think Root is a little op (says the Root player) idk how she can be balanced better, but the fact that she can have high hp, 100% accuracy and 6 dmg on hit (she can have way more but it's easier to get last hits with less) seems a little broken haha
Anyways, good game, would recommend to all my friends!


Thank you for your feedback. Yeah, Root is a bit op, she'll be balanced in the next update


Rosary is way too OP and we love it

I need the OST for this

Current ost is not final, so I can't release it yet :c

Amazing game, I have to say it was just so much fun that i got absolutely hooked, I ended up completing the game as much as i could but the story still doesnt make much sense to me, even after unlocking all the memories i still dont get it, could there be a hidden ending? cause what ??? says at the end of the last memory really feels like it. Idk, but i loved it regardless, genuinely thank you so much for making this masterpiece of a game, recently ive been down due to personal problems but this game really lifted my spirits. Sincerely, thank you for this game and being able to play it.

Thank you for your kind words. The game isn't completed yet, that's why there isn't a proper ending yet


I played the very first version of the game some months ago and I love the direction the game is going towards! Love the additional items & enemies that can be added during the Moon phase (that's what I call it after you die). The story is good, got some interesting tidbits from the enemies I could talk to. Overall, a fantastic game that mixes rouguelike & horror. Can't wait for the full release! 


I use a 60% keyboard im not sure if i am doing something wrong but i seem to not be able to use the wasd keys XC can some one help explain to me what i am doing wrong. I saw this game and would love to play it just cant seem to.

Controls are Z, X and arrow keys, but you can also use a controller

thank you

fantastic game, been playing it for hours, though im sortof kicking myself because i stumbled onto a cipher but didn't write it down (I thought it might stay in memories), and now i can't find it again

the cipher is at the end of this video and also what is meant to be decoded with it ^_^



This is a banger, and I know bangers


Amazing game 10/10 . I loved the horror spooky creepy elements of the game and the chance based system of the game actually compliments the game rather than make it annoying. The game also has an insane amount of content for a demo. I really look forward to the full release 👍


I'm addicted to the gruesome characters and the spooky atmosphere! Love the tense music as well, keep it up :D


Looks amazing, well done! Coming over from Mark's video btw. Any chance of a mac version in the future?


Yes! Many are asking for a Mac port, I'll do my best to make it happen

(6 edits)

This is absurdly good! and its a demo!!!! oh my god theres still so much content for a demo! and its so good! the meta progresstion is good? it doesnt make the game feel inately easier just unlocks more options! thats actual good meta progresstion! please please please dont ruin it cause if im griding 100 shards to start with one extra hp i will literally die! promise me that i you make this gave fun and not chore simulator.  dude this game has serios potential i fully support this! also grenade dosnt work on multi attacks :( please buff it also also is there any secret with the note in the red room i dont know if i need to enter a code anywhere for anything but would like to know if so. also also indie horror without jumscares? thank you so much for using horror rather than well not that p.s: edit me here just prosessed that i wrote a paragraph about this game i like it so much oops also i kinda got jumscared by what i presume is developers eye in a 1percent event wow that scared me p.p.s: one of the memories has a jumpscare kinda uuuuhhhh i dont like :( sorry 

You can use the note in the red room to decipher what Luna is saying : )

(1 edit)

oooooooooooooh duh how did i miss that ill do that now also 

Is there a soundtrack for this game? I really like the music.

I'm really glad you appreciate the music! The game is not complete, and the ost is not final either. It will probably be released with the 1.0 release

(1 edit) (+1)

This game has huge potential, looking forward to the steam release whenever it comes out! All the secrets and memories were very fun to collect and the combat/exploration system is very interesting and cool, i love it. PS: how do i use the lighter nevermind i figured it out


You can use the lighter by talking to someone who might need it ;)

I think the torque ring doesn't work?

Torque works! It reduces the first damage you take in each battle by 1

Strange. I don't think it works on poison. 
and the interaction with prayer and torque is sad :( 
It seems like a weak choice. Lovin the game though :)

You're right! It doesn't cancel poison damage, and pray cancels its effect. If you think these interactions are unfair, I'll consider your feedback

I don't think i'd call it unfair. I do think it FEELS, but i don't know if I'm experienced enough to say for sure if it is. 
I would request specifying that poison isn't negated though. 

This game reminds me of deltarune and the good old times when I played it. Nice work, I'll try to beat it as hard as I can.


Added this game to my wishlist, excited for the full release! This game looks like it could be very suitable for mobile as well, any plans for a mobile release perhaps?


No plans for a mobile port right now! :c


Watched Markiplier's video on this game and absolutely sprinted to draw a little something for it. I ADORE this game, I can't wait for more updates!


Wow, thank you, this looks so good <3


ahhh, I'm glad you like it!! :)


Very spooky game, very cool! I like how mysterious it is. The player has to figure out wtf things are and do by giving 'em a shot. The 1% chance events are very exciting since they tend to show up once the player's guard is down from the repetition of the more common events

(4 edits) (+1)

Thank you for this amazing game, no complaints here! I just have one tiny question as to how the demo currently works. When I played it to the around 60% point towards the goal and defeated the no-skin man for the second time on my third run, it sent me back to the start screen again with another new memory unlocked in my dream diary. I'm just confused, is this supposed to be the case? I have played Inscryption by Daniel Mullins before, and the grizzlys that stopped you from progressing further lasted only two runs, so I just wanted to ask whether this was intentional or not. As after my inital playthrough, I found it quite easy to reach said position with thorough management on the items. Also, will there be a Patreon for this game?

The game is not yet complete, so the final enemy appears earlier than it should! It's not something like the grizzlys. A Patreon is not planned, but you can support me by buying the game here on itch and/or wishlisting it on steam :D

Just out of curiosity, do you have any particular reason why you won’t make a patreon?


I don't think there would be that many people interested in a Patreon

Fair enough. But if you feel like you built a solid enough fanbase (even if it’s small), you should consider it. It’s also a good motivator for you to keep working on your projects. You should also make a discord server as soon as possible, it’s worth it to have an official space to discuss you work early on, and its pretty easy to do. Best of luck to you, I’m looking forward to more updates to the game (I 100% completed it but still do runs every once in a while).

There is actually a way to get to 100% on the progress bar, but you need to use a specific character (or at least in my case I needed to, idk if there's any other way)


Thank Talos for Markiplier! I would never have found this game if not for him!


This game looks absolutely incredible but I was wondering, is there any chance of an android port? It seems like it would be perfect for a phone!


This game is absoloutely GORGEOUS. Original ideas and gameplay, atmospheric backgrounds and beautiful designs for the characters, creatures, etc. I love playing this late at night, haha!

Thank you for the kind words


couldn't win yet, on my 3rd try and the game is so fun! try it out

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