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This looks like fun, I can't wait to try it out! Also, NoEye-Soft, have a nice day or night, and keep up the great work.


Played plenty of rogue-like/-lites and haven't come across a one like this, let alone a pixelated one. The creep factor is so goood and not knowing what the hell is happening makes it even better! Can't wait for your updates~

Thank u :)

i may be stupid but how do you save?? are u supposed t o just play in one run or can you save somehow? sorry if the answer is obvious i just cant find a way to save


Unfortunately, the game currently only saves progress between sessions, each run must be completed in one go. There'll be an option to save during a run in future updates

Markiplier played seem like a cool game with a nice concept.

so i will try it out.

exactly why i'm here


Fantastic gmae!! 

I'm a big fan of this genre so I had a very fun time. 

Looking forward to play more


Hey markiplier played your game congrats. Also great game rosary is very busted.

Thank you. Yeah, I'll balance things out haha


This is very solid. I've wishlisted on steam (although I'll probably pick it up here if it's available). Best of luck to you!

Thank you, every wishlist is a huge support, even if you prefer the drm-free version!


This is amazing, the whole time i was wondering if this really was a demo!!! and every "unexpected event" got me! PS: love the cowboy

Thank you :)


great game dude, Excited to see the full release!


Wow. That's probably the best video I've ever seen about NO-SKIN, thank you!


Little fanart of some of the cool friend you can make in this game :)


Thank you for your art <3 


This is so awesome, great work!


Fantastic game. I am still trying to figure out how to get the last memory!


I can only say that you need to think(and act) outside the box ;)

(1 edit) (+3)

Amazing game! I have loved every second of it and I am determined to get all the memories! Thanks for making such a great game and can't wait to see what you've got cooking next!


Thank you! Watched all episodes so far


Realest game developer out there


I made a video on this game.

I really Loved the game, I am so surprised that I have not seen more people play it on YouTube. It is such an unsettling but fun rouge-like, I cannot wait to see the final version, I will be keeping watch.

Thank you for the feedback and for making the video! I really enjoyed it (and you're very lucky ;) )


this  ight actually be the best RPG game ever. it the 1st time i see the a consept like this, it so simple yet complicated to explain. this game is just a masterpice! pls and please keep working on it, id like to playe a new chapter


Thank you for your kind words <3


This is literally the best roguelike project I've seen in the last couple of years. I love horror, as well as roguelikes, and this is literally a breath of air after The Binding af Isaac. It's step-by-step, of course, but that's not intimidating at all. I've been following this project since the very first demo, it's been a damn long time. At first the gameplay seemed impossibly difficult, but then I clearly understood the local tactics) There are few characters, but they are thought out quite well and the tactics for passing the game with them all are very different. Finding secret enemies, as well as the possibility of obtaining Fossil, is quite interesting. And the opportunity to get to the 3rd location, which you cannot get to in the usual way. And by the way, about this - is it possible to get to Noir? There is no way for her to somehow miss No-Skin Man. It would be interesting to know, because the only thing I have come up with so far is to randomly get a large number of snake pieces from the girl with snake eyes and from the toads in the second stage, in order to get 100 scale on the skin before the final boss. I’m just wondering if in the current demo it’s possible to get to location 3 with our goddess weapon (Noir) or not?) In general, I really liked the mechanics of the game, so I decided to make a full review of your game, I hope you don’t mind) I'll be looking forward to update 0.5 (like you said about it in the comments), as well as the full version on Steam. Thanks for the bagel, which I've already spent more than 20 hours of my life on, it's damn cool)


I haven’t noticed much bugs yet; all the bugs that existed have already disappeared in version 0.4, so I can’t even criticize)

Thank you for making a review! Yes, you can do it with Noire only with the frog item or the Snake Scales

Got it, thanks for the tip, I'll try it


This game is absolutely incredible!! Just...every single thing kept me hooked and intrigued and disturbed and amazed and entertained. Absolutely fantastic and already wishlisted this game on Steam!!


Thank you for your feedback and support!


What can one say except WOW. This is an unsettlingly unique horror experience, which is both humorous and unnerving at the same time. 

I usually don't write my thoughts in bullet points, since that's not a way to write a proper review, but I just LOVE so many little aspects of this game that it's unavoidable;

- From the intro, we see that it starts with Noelle having just left a 14-hour shift. Relatable, everything that happens in the game is exactly how it feels to go through a 14-hour shift at work :)

- Love the fact that this is the most toxic and unlikeable friend group ever. Just a pit of snakes. Every backstory snippet is just them going "the only thing I hate more than myself is everyone in my friend group". Reminds me of that Sartre story about people having to live together in H*ll. 

- The graphic design is GORGEOUS. The little rotating "floor plans" of the stages, the monster design, character design that is evocative despite its simplicity, it's just eye candy through and through.

- Really loved the helpful NPCs! The dancers were wonderful and humorous, really liked the Moon goddess and the Two-Headed Horse, which, for some reason kept giving good hints and tricks as it fought me. Also, that flying cartilage that can ally with you if you hit it hard enough is very nice and helpful!

- All NPCs and encounters have these fantastic evocative names and appearances! 

- The "rare events" are SO devious! Half of them were funny, half of them were startling, and I'm ashamed to admit I got caught off-guard by two of them. My favourite was when the "dancers" allowed you to choose a ... different set of boons from what they usually give you.

- The randomness of the encounters in every room is a bit of a double-edged sword. At first, it forced me as a player into stressful situations, where one has to consider how badly they want that medikit, or would they risk getting into the fight with a nun to meet the Dancers. After a long time of replaying the game to get all remembrances, however, the lack of player control over which rooms to visit was more frustrating than exciting. I'm not a game designer, so I don't know how to fix it, or if it should be fixed at all. Perhaps introducing mechanics or items that allow you to raise the chance of certain encounters could work. 

- The main gameplay loop is so well-crafted and is balanced, but still with potential to "break" the balance. Which works so well in a game that requires you to break its boundaries to learn its secrets!

- That remembrance with the green-haired girl going "hey, I'm going to go meet you, the player :)" was so well-done, heart missed a bit there for sure!

- Comparing horror media with hidden layers and a metanarrative to House of Leaves is a hack thing to do. Keeping this in mind, the process of constantly going through this house, (especially that "room from your dreams") captured that spirit of nightmarish exploration of the Navidson Records.

- This might be controversial, and I'm sure you're intending to explain the main plot, but I feel like this sense of a fever dream (from many clues, it does seem to be a dream), this sense of never having any explanation for what is happening is so exciting. Like living through a nightmare..

I just have spent the last 6 hours playing 100% your demo and the very thought of a demo having so many layers and so many secrets in it is jaw-dropping. Thank you so much for making this game and good luck on pushing this already monumental gaming experience to its conclusion!


Thank you very much for the detailed feedback and for your kind words. I'm so glad that you liked all the little aspects


The evil game design was clearly done for the love of evil itself here. Lovely game, one of the best I've played in a while


Didn't quite understand what you mean haha, but thanks!


it sounds like something straight from texas chainsaw massacre 


I somewhat understand how you fight another version of yourself now I won't spoil it but the  answers are there if you know where to look it also put's luna's text into a new light but it also raises questions about luna.... I wonder how much more in this game is understandable.  I am very invested in the lore of this world but I have to ask is her understandable yet because so far I've got nothing. 


Nothing has been explained 100% (for example, I think you know everything about Luna that's in the game so far). Each update will add another piece to the puzzle


thank you


When the game gets full release, will the game be paid, or free? Also please create a discord server


look below we made an unofficial one but it's gone pretty much unused unfortunately but I haven't given up on it yet 

link doesn't work

is there anyway you could resend it? The link expired 

(+1) THIS LINK IS PERMANENT i figured out how discord worked lol


A discord server will be created soon. The final release will be paid, but there will be at least one more free upgrade here on itch


Fun game, how to unlock noire's recollection? I can't seem to get it. The standard difficulty is not as challenging once you die enough and understand the mechanics.  


I will do my best to balance the game and make the challenge more interesting! If you're referring to the last recollection, I can only tell you that you 've to think (and act) outside the box ;)


That's good to know, one more thing, how much bigger the actual game might be from the demo?


I think that the current version has less than 50% of the content that will be in the final game


I'll say this seek who the headless man fears.

(1 edit) (+3)

First I want to say this game was amazing I think i have 100% it so far and I'm really looking forward to the next updates.

second I love the lore its great and I cant wait for resolution for what's going on and for the characters stories 

third  I don't know how op you wanted to make root and luna but they are powerful with roots ability to snowball dmg and luna being able to stall and grind nightshade cause idk if  2 shoting the no-skin man was intentional, besides them I also don't see much use of noire's gun in the second half because there are no major upgrades towards its dmg besides gunpowder but by that point its just much more worth it to get the no.48 and get a few relics and nightshade to do quite a lot of dmg. these options don't take away from the fun I think it just makes it really easy to beat the game and it takes away most of the challenge, that being said 

fourth (spoilers for secrets) I would have not been able to beat NoEye-Soft/ her final boss combo without luna's crazy dmg, I don't know if the intent was for those bosses to be back to back but I had exhausted all my items and heals only to barely have beat them and if you plan on nerfing luna idk if it would be winnable.

that's about it I loved playing this game and its absolutely fabulous.


Thank you for the detailed feedback! Unlockable characters are very powerful, and Luna in particular is practically an "easy mode". I designed her this way because she's technically the last thing you unlock. There will be a lot of balancing in the next update to provide a higher level of challenge. Regarding your last point: they 're meant to be a "final challenge", so they are particularly difficult. Of course, it will still be possible to defeat them even if the characters are nerfed

(1 edit) (+1)

Been enjoying the heck out of the demo on Steam Deck. So replayable even after mastering

The game definitely gets way easier once you get the muscle memory. Even a bad Noire build can go all the way if you're very careful. Like minesweeper compared to solitaire. Not a bad thing at all, but I hope there's a harder difficulty to unlock

That said, Luna is so so broken. My first run I took one intentional death at the very start to test her ability (neat!) By the end I was so beefy I used all the +4 items during the dev fight for a cool 102 skin, and was hitting so hard I didn't get a chance to talk to Her before the kill. On my second run I took 3 deaths when I entered the second area trying to get an event I missed. By the end of the run I'd bought out most of the shops and had 75 frags left. I dumped my backpack on Her head, prayed twice, and attempted escape to get her to 1 heart; finishing with 13 (full) health. Both runs were still so satisfying that I just commented a whole book about em XD

IN-CRED-I-BLE game so far! Can't wait to find the rest of the memories and secrets and even more excited for full release!


Really loved it :)
But it became too easy once I had a strat even after multiple runs. Really hope it will become harder in the future.


Thank you! I'm trying to balance the game as much as possible so it can offer a good level of challenge. There are a few "broken" strategies in the game that will be nerfed in the next update


very good , very nice


Great game! Had a lot of fun getting all the memories, loved all the secrets. I do think the playable characters suffer from power inflation, but that may be a design choice. Overall a great time.


Thanks for your feedback! The last character is intentionally overpowered because, in theory, it’s the final unlockable


ok please add an are you sure button to the razor blade for Luna. I keep accidently clicking it

(1 edit) (+1)



this is probably one of my favorite small horror games so far. I hope you'll get enough support to make even better ones


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

It feels finished enough...

I feel getting the living guts 2 or 3 times is a must to really beat the last bosses. I end up saving my nightshades or gunpowders for the 1st then final boss.

Plus getting the fossil always helps...

The only sortof bug i found is that the ability to spare monsters close to death should open a unique dialogue with the fossil, as sparing the fossil this way does not recruit them, even if getting to 1 health.

Also, getting the knife before finding the hanged man (before 30 skin, as after 30 the frogs sell different items), is very difficult (and pointless for future characters as it replaces good weapons). I had to do 3 unique playthroughs just to cut down the hanged man, before realizing all it did was give the item without losing health.

I was fully expecting cutting him down to give a special reward or unlock a new character or helper...

That would be cool considering just how difficult it is to cut him down...

Though, if i wanted to sound like an ass, i could mention how any knife should be enough to cut him down... I had to, sorry ...

Perhaps you could try to shoot him down too (With a chance you hit him, getting only blood fragments, and remove him for the rest of the playthrough) 

To balance the final character, perhaps she should be allowed to cut down the hanged man with her regular weapon, as she would never replace it for a knife. Also, the lighter was one of the last items i used, so perhaps it could grant a reward AND several cigarettes. Since i noticed you only really find cigarettes in the 1st half of a run and only get to use them on 1 enemy or boss (As using only 1 or two rarely helps). As such you are unlikely to have any for the 2nd half. Having a small and secret way to get a couple would help, those who actively seek them, such as by using the lighter.


Thanks for your detailed feedback! The lighter has already been buffed for the next release, and now it does exactly what you suggested (it will also be clearer how to use it)! As for the hanged man event, I'll work on balancing it better!

(1 edit)

Awh Sweet!

It means the world to hear mine and your thoughts on the lighter seemed to be in line.

It took the longest time for me to use it for the first time...

Plus... More Cigarettes, Lol - Always cool.

Also, i feel the long gilled fish is one of the most unique NPCs i have ever encountered in a game.

For my next Project ill work on a Pixel Art Characters and Sprites Asset Pack - " Dark and Bloody Edition"

As a nod to your title!

I still wonder just what exactly are blood fragments...

It reminds me of my favorite browser game, Kingdom of Loathing, where the currency is Meat.

Combining a 100 makes a meat stack, a 1000 makes a dense meat stack (A crafting item) LOL.

I just wanted to add, for you and other readers, that your title brings to mind 2 other game titles;

1. World of Fear - Lovecraftian Detective game done as a windows 95 emulated interface with pixel graphics, which make the enemies look disturbing.

2. Fear and Hunger - Due to difficulty, replay being essential, and learning curve makes future playthroughs easier. The monsters are uniquely and  disturbingly designed.

Both have a similarly well developed unique game world and have a mysterious story which is still unknown even after finishing the title, I.e. The story is what you make of it.


I was surprised just how much fun i had. Its amazing how much entertainment one can fit within such a small file size. While the mysterious narrative leaves much to the imagination, a refreshing change from big box titles which feel they have to spoon feed every plot point to their gamers. Even after reaching the end the story is hardly any clearer.

Adding multiple characters and the moon shop give a feel similar to Fear and Hunger series. Combined with the mystery narrative and horror theme, i sincerely hope it was an influence in this game. If not, i bet anybody who enjoys this will have fun (if it can be called that) with fear and hunger.


Amazing experience! I've unlocked all I can but I have no clue how to get the final memory! any hints would be absolutely appreciated, thx<3

(1 edit) (+1)

WAIT nvm i got it :3


I really appreciate that you collected all the memories!


I loved the gameplay experience genuinely nowhere near enough people are talking about it! The final sequence was incredible!


Is there a discord server or something?


I don't think there are too many people interested in it, so I haven't created an official server yet (it will probably be created before the release), but if you scroll through the comments, there are two people who have created an unofficial server


I checked, its invalid invite (please create a official discord server.. please)


also will the release be paid? (please no)


If you are only reading this part of the comment download the game now I would highly recommend so now to why I would recommend. I started to download the game for the interesting art style and because I'm a big fan of roguelikes. I kind of thought it would be a bit cookie cutter, which I haven't to say no since I want to play it so bad again. This game reminds me of World of Horror gameplay wise just without the investigation stuff in that other game. Also this game leans pretty heavy on probability in not just the combat but just moving from location to location. This turned out to be a pretty good experience especially since alot of the games on this website are mid to bad putting it nicely so great job I can't wait to see more from you and I followed to make sure I don't miss anything.

As I said I really enjoyed myself playing this game and I think it shows in the vid so could you check it out, I would really appreciate that.

20min+ of gameplay in vid
Full Commentary


I appreciate a lot your gameplay+review!


np this is some good work. Thanks for stopping by my vid


Absolute fantastic roguelike game. The RNG really satisfied my gambling side. The lore. The unexpected element. I'm already ROOTing for this. Hope will be more content like voicelines or  enemies.


Thank you so much for your feedback


This is a great game. It has a good loop, a balance of strategy with RNG that is rewarding, rather than annoying. I did notice a few issues with the "translation" of a person (not saying more for spoiler reasons).






Thanks for your feedback, I didn't know you got so far! The translation issues have already been reported and fixed for the final release, but thank you for pointing them out


This game is so much fun. I have the steam version wishlisted. (:<


literally the best game ive played on this site. sooo much fun and sooo much to uncover <3


I appreciate a lot <3


Long-time roguelike playing, first-time commenting cuz this is literally  one of the best roguelike games I've ever played!  Great music and art, and also real creative character design making the gameplay truly diversified. The unexpected events are well designed too. My favourite one is where the game "crashes". All in all, 10/10. Looking forward to your future releases!


Thank you so much for your feedback!


Never have I been so captivated by I world I knew so little about i have so many ideas and theories and questions. the game Itself doesn't feel unfinshed at all if It wasn't for the developer and the game saying it I legitimately wouldn't know. The only complaint I have is the unexpected events are a bit annoying notably the crimsion dancer one but other than that 10/10


Thank you for the kind words. Feel free to tell me what you don't like about the unexpected events, I will try my best to fix them!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

It's just a little annoying to have the turn wasted randomly and the crimson danser event leads you on a bit to long you get excited that you get an upgrade and then you just don't. I don't have any issue with the other things that waste your turn or make it detrimental because you are actively chosing to take that risk but the events are on almost every location and you can't really plan around them but they don't happen enought to be a major problem. This is just a suggestion but having the event trigger then having your turn play is a solution I think would work.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! The fact that the unexpected event "wastes your turn" is intentional, but I note that it might be frustrating for the player!


I loved this, I am looking forward to the game final release, loved the story the character, I tried to give a review on steam but couldnt


(I created my itch io account just to comment)


Thank you for your feedback! Steam only allows you to leave a review when the full game is released :c


That is a shame, as soon as you release it I am giving highest score, keep on going, oh btw you might try and contact some brazilian streamers to play this when finished, a lot of people here enjoy this kind of mysterious and weird content a lot, I suggest names like Goulart or cellbit (that love this kind of games), just my opinion to get some "marketing" once it is finished tho


Thanks for your support and suggestions!


Just played a couple rounds and got my first ending/memory! This is really great, and I can't wait to see the full release <3 !


Thank you, I hope you'll appreciate the final game <3

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